Periodontal Treatment

Periodontal disease is one of the two major threats to good dental health. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says about 42.7% of adults have a form of periodontal disease [1]. Also, it is more common to see the disease condition in women than in men.

Although periodontal disease is common across all age groups, it is preventable. Good oral hygiene, regular flossing, and regular dental check-ups help in the prevention of the disease. However, it is important for an individual to see the dentist if there are any symptoms of periodontal disease.

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal diseases include conditions that result from infections and inflammation of the gums. It also affects the soft tissues and the bone that provides support for the teeth. During the early stage, people refer to it as gingivitis, where the gums become swollen and painful. After some time, the situation can become serious. The tooth may fall out due to the gum pulling away from it.

Causes of Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease [2] is an infection of the soft tissues that hold the teeth. Often, it is a result of poor brushing habits and bacteria build-up. Advanced stages of the disease can result in gum sores and tooth loss. The human mouth is full of bacteria because it has the perfect conditions for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms [3]. It can accommodate about 100 different types of bacteria.

The bacteria, alongside food particles and mucus, can form a sticky plaque on the teeth. If the person does not remove the plaque on time, it can harden and form a layer on the teeth. Brushing might not be able to clean the plaque at this stage. In addition, these plaques damage the gums and teeth by producing acid.

The acid then affects the enamel by breaking it down, resulting in tooth decay. In the long run, the gum becomes swollen, red, and painful, making it lose its grip on the teeth. Fortunately, regular brushing and flossing of the teeth can help to prevent plaque build-up. Also, regular dental checks help in the early detection of periodontal disease.

Apart from the highlighted factors above, there are other factors that increase the risk of periodontal disease. Below are some of them:

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Hormonal changes
  • Some medications that affect the flow of saliva, especially anticholinergic agents
  • Smoking
  • Certain disease conditions, such as HIV
  • Genetics

Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

The symptoms of periodontal disease are easily noticeable. Any appearance on the teeth that is different from the healthy ones shows a problem. For example, healthy gum looks firm and firmly holds the teeth. Any difference from this is an indicator that there is an infection or injury to the gum. Below are some of the symptoms of periodontal disease.

  • Swollen gums
  • Bad breath
  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Soft gums
  • Painful chewing
  • Pus from the gums
  • Toothache
  • Receding gums
  • Loss of teeth

Will I Lose My Teeth if I Have Periodontal Disease?

There are different stages of periodontal disease [4]. At the initial stage, there is gum inflammation which is due to a build-up of different bacteria. The second stage is characterized by serious damage to the ligament of the root and gum diseases. In advanced stages like stages 4 and 5, periodontal disease has the potential to cause tooth loss or removal of all teeth. Therefore, it is advisable to seek treatment early when an individual notices symptoms of tooth infection. At advanced stages, periodontal surgery is the primary solution. Surgery is the main solution if the damages to the teeth are severe. Unfortunately, a dental implant might not help at this stage.

Is Periodontal Treatment Painful?

The treatment may be slightly painful. An individual may experience some discomfort during the process, which is still manageable. Often, the discomfort is less than the fear the patient has. Therefore, pain should not be a factor why an individual will not visit the dentist when they notice any symptom.

Is Periodontal Treatment Worth It?

Good dental health boosts individual confidence. Therefore, periodontal therapy is essential. If detected early, the treatment can prevent tooth loss and other issues.

Benefits of Periodontal Treatment

Periodontal therapy and other forms of dental care benefit the patient. Having healthy gums is important to have great dental health. Periodontal therapy greatly impacts an individual's health and quality of life. Below are some of the benefits of getting treatment:

• Relief From Pain

Periodontal diseases can result in painful chewing. In addition, infected gums can make brushing uncomfortable because they are soft and prone to bleeding. However, proper disease treatment and reduction eventually eliminate the symptoms.

• Fresh Breath

Bad breath can make an individual uncomfortable. It is majorly a result of plaque that has accumulated on the teeth. It is a notable symptom of gum infection, and periodontal therapy can eliminate it.

• Improved Cardiovascular Health

Some studies showed a correlation between periodontal disease and heart-related problems. Though it is rare, periodontal disease can increase the risk of an individual having a heart attack and stroke if not treated.

• Prevention of Further Damage

Gum diseases can lead to further damage by affecting the jaws. It can also cause abscesses in the mouth. Periodontal therapy helps to prevent these damages and improve dental health.

Get Treatment Today at Your Dana Point Dentist

Periodontal disease is a condition that can affect people of all age groups. The disease can damage the gums and bones that hold the teeth in place. Once there is an infection, getting good treatment is the major way out. If you need treatment for yourself or loved ones about dental health, contact our Dana Point dentist to schedule an appointment. You can also schedule dental checks to prevent and reduce the risk of having periodontal disease. Our expert dentist in Dana Point will fully evaluate your dental health and see how we can help you.

