Benefits Dental Implants

A nice set of teeth is a boost to an individual appearance. A dental implant is a perfect replacement for a missing tooth. It is made of titanium, which replaces the missing tooth's root [1]. Also, the implant has a connector on top, which connects it to the replacement tooth. An implant has a lot of benefits. Apart from the fact that it boosts the patient's confidence, it also prevents further damage to the jawbone. They also look exactly like natural teeth making them a good option for tooth replacement.

How Does a Dental Implant Work?

Dental implants serve as the root of a missing tooth. It involves a set of procedures that help an individual with tooth loss. It involves both the replacement of the tooth and the root. The procedure involves placing the artificial tooth root in the jawbone to create a firm grip for the new tooth.

Why Do I Need a Dental Implant?

Implants are important for people with missing teeth. Most times, this set of people cannot get dentures, bridges, or other alternatives for their damaged teeth. So, these people need to replace the missing ones too to avoid further damage.

Are Dental Implants Painful?

The implant is a type of surgery that may bring trauma to the jaws and teeth surrounding the area. The surgery involves putting an artificial tooth root into an individual’s jawbone. Fortunately, the patient will not feel pain during the surgery because of the anesthesia given before the surgery.

However, once the anesthesia wears off, the patient may experience some pain. The implant pain has a pain level of about 2 to 3, according to the WHO analgesic ladder [2]. Therefore, over the counter (OTC) pain relievers can reduce and eliminate the pain. Also, the patient can experience pain for up to 7 days after the surgery. The patient might also experience some tenderness where the implant took place. Fortunately, the level of pain is manageable.

Types of Dental Implants

The health of the jawbone and patient preference determines the type of implant surgery an individual will undergo. The dentist may also add some periodontal treatments to the surgery depending on the type of implants. The severity of the disease and how the jawbone looks also determine the type of implant a patient will experience. Below are the major types of dental implants [3]:


An endosteal implant is a dental procedure in the jawbone. It involves putting an artificial root in the jaw to hold the replacement tooth. It is the most common type of transplant, and our dentist in Dana Point can determine if you need one. The implant is made of titanium, and they have the shape of small screws. After the implant, they protrude through the gum to firmly hold the replacement tooth.

The patient often asks if the endosteal implant is good for them [4]. The surgeon or dentist determines the type of implant the patient will undergo. Apart from having a missing tooth, there are some important criteria a patient must meet to qualify for an endosteal implant. Below are some of them:

  • Ability to be patient for a considerable time frame for healing
  • Good oral hygiene
  • Good general well-being
  • The patient should be a non-smoker
  • Fully grown jawbone


This type of implant is not as common as the endosteal. Instead, it is for holding the dentures in place for patients experiencing insufficient bone height. The procedure involves putting the implant in the gum tissue on the jawbone. Then, the metal part of the implant is exposed to hold the teeth in place.

Fortunately, there are alternatives if the dentist believes the two major transplants might not work for you. Some of the other alternatives are:

  • Bone augmentation
  • Sinus augmentation
  • Ridge Expansion

Benefits of Dental Implants

Over the past few years, dental implants have become the leading solution for replacing a lost tooth. It has a lot of benefits over other forms of treatment. Below are some of the benefits:

- Prevention of Jawbone Loss

The jawbone gets bad with time if there is no tooth on it. Over time, the jawbone can get worse and can have an infection due to no stimulation for a long time. Then, the jawbone of the missing tooth will lose some volume, and this loss can continue over a long time. Using a denture is also not advisable. The dentures can rub against the surface of the ridge when they are loose and cause further damage. An implant is the best option for people with a missing tooth. During the procedure, the dentist replaces both the tooth and root, providing the needed stimulation.

- Stability of the Adjacent Tooth

When there is a missing tooth, the opposite one from the other side tends to shift towards the gap. In the long one, the teeth can shift out of position and affect the individual confidence. It can also affect the ability to chew well. Therefore, an implant will save the individual from unnecessary problems.

- Close Resemblance with a Natural Tooth

There is no difference between natural teeth and the implant one in appearance. Therefore, many people do not know the difference between the two. The appearance helps to build the confidence of the patient. Also, the implant enables them to chew and brush well.

- Longevity of the Implant

Dental implants last long. Most last for a long time if there is no direct pressure on the area. The implants are made from titanium and are compatible with the jawbone. This compatibility makes the body not reject the new tooth as a foreign material.

- Reduced Risk of Gum Diseases

A tooth gap can trap food particles and bacteria, leading to plaque building on the teeth. The bacteria can lead to gum infections and diseases.

Get Treatment Today at Your Dana Point Dentist

People lose their teeth due to different reasons. The reason can be tooth decay, gum disease, and trauma to the mouth. When this happens, you can book an appointment with your Dana Point dentist to know if you can qualify for an implant.

Also, if you need dental health treatment for yourself or loved ones, contact the dentist in Dana Point. You can also schedule dental checks to prevent and reduce the risk of having periodontal disease. Our dentist in Dana Point will fully evaluate your dental health and see how we can help you.

