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Dental Blog

Our dental practice is dedicated to educating you with the latest tips and tricks to maintain your optimal oral health.

Benefits of Fluoride Treatment

Contributed by DentalROI


Fluoride is a mineral that occurs naturally, and which helps to strengthen teeth and prevents cavities. It works by supporting healthy tooth enamel and disrupting the activity of cavity-causing bacteria in the mouth, making it harder for these bacteria to grow and thrive.

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All You Need to Know About Nitrous Sedation

Contributed by DentalROI

Nitrous Sedation

Nitrous sedation is used at dental practices far and wide. Also referred to as laughing gas, nitrous sedation is often referenced as the anesthetic that sometimes causes patients to giggle. The purpose of using nitrous sedation prior to a dental procedure is to minimize the patient's discomfort while simultaneously facilitating the procedure for the dentist.

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What Dental Treatments are Considered Cosmetic Dentistry?

Contributed by DentalROI

What Treatments are Cosmetic

If you’ve got dental work in your future and you’re wondering about what’s covered and what’s not by your dental insurance, then you might be curious to know which dental procedures are considered cosmetic and which ones are considered restorative. In some cases, the answer is simple, but in others, there’s a gray area.

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Benefits of Invisalign

Contributed by DentalROI

Benefits of Invisalign

Teeth misalignment comes in different forms, and they never have a good appearance. The worst misaligned teeth can do to your oral health is to promote dental diseases such as periodontal disease. When teeth overlap each other or grow in a crooked way, it prevents a toothbrush from cleaning.

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Choose a Dentist That Offers Pediatric Dentistry

Contributed by DentalROI

Pediatric Dentistry

A family dental practice that provides pediatric dentistry will be able to look after the oral health of all your family in one convenient location. This allows the dentist to get to know your family and paves the way for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums for your children.

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Learn About Invisalign Clear Aligners

Contributed by DentalROI

Learn About Invisalign

Invisalign straightens teeth with the use of clear aligners. These aligners are provided in tray form. Each individual tray is customized to gradually move the patient’s teeth into the right positions. Patients who adhere to the dentist or orthodontist’s plan for Invisalign clear aligners and switch out trays at the right time will find their teeth straighten and also develop the proper spacing. Let’s take a closer look at what Invisalign clear aligners are all about.

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Why Should I Visit the Dentist During Orthodontic Treatment?

Contributed by DentalROI

Visit Dentist During Ortho Treatment

If you’ve been fitted with braces, you may be wondering why you should bother to continue seeing your general dentist. After all, you’ll be spending quite some time in your orthodontist’s office, so why would you need to keep going to your regular dentist as well?

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All You Need to Know About Invisalign

Contributed by DentalROI


When Invisalign was introduced in the late 1990s, it took the orthodontic world by storm. Its pioneering hi-tech features enabled people to fix crooked teeth faster, more discreetly, and with greater comfort and convenience than regular braces. There’s also less risk of oral health problems.

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